Is median income a confounder on the relationship between educational attainment and the amount of museums?

Regression model with both median income and number of museums

since median income is associated with both the number of museums and percentage of individuals with a bachelor’s degree, we should investigate if median income is a confounder between bachelor’s degrees and number of museums.

#linear regression model testing for confounding
model4 = lm(formula = bachelors ~ median_income + n_museums, data = museum_edu_df)

# Creating Regression Model Table
model4 |>
  broom::tidy() |>
  select(term, estimate, p.value) |>
term estimate p.value
(Intercept) -7.3496990801 0
median_income 0.0004745601 0
n_museums 0.2448004363 0

E(bachelors) = β0 + β1(median_income) + β2(n_museums)

Intercept (Estimated Constant): The intercept is -7.350. This represents the estimated percentage of individuals with a bachelor’s degree when the number of museums (n_museums) is zero and median income (median_income) is zero.

Statistical significance: The p-values associated with each coefficient are very small (<2×10^−16), indicating that both median_income and n_museums are statistically significant predictors of the response variable.

Coefficient for n_museums: The coefficient for n_museums is 0.245. his represents the estimated change in the percentage of individuals with a bachelor’s degree for each additional museum, adjusted for median income. In the unadjusted model, the coefficient was: 0.17138. There is a 30% difference between the crude and unadjusted models, which is greater than 10%, signifying that income does infact confound the relationship between high educational attainment and amount of museums in a zipcode.

Comparison of models including income and excluding income

cv1_df = 
  crossv_mc(museum_edu_df, 100) 

cv1_df |> 
    mod_1  = map(train, \(df) lm(bachelors ~ n_museums, data = museum_edu_df)),
    mod_2  = map(train, \(df) lm(bachelors ~ median_income + n_museums, data = museum_edu_df))) |> 
    rmse_1 = map2_dbl(mod_1, test, \(mod, df) rmse(model = mod, data = df)),
    rmse_2 = map2_dbl(mod_2, test, \(mod, df) rmse(model = mod, data = df))) |>
  select(starts_with("rmse")) |>
    everything(), names_to="model", values_to="rmse", names_prefix="rmse_") |>
  ggplot(aes(x=model, y=rmse)) + geom_violin()

The model excluding income has a much higher root mean squared errors (RMSE) value than the model including income. This means that the model including income better fits our data.

Testing for Interaction between Median Income and Number of Museums

#linear regression model testing for confounding
model_int = lm(formula = bachelors ~ median_income + n_museums + median_income*n_museums, data = museum_edu_df)

# Creating Regression Model Table
model_int |>
  broom::tidy() |>
  select(term, estimate, p.value) |>
term estimate p.value
(Intercept) -2.2849540454 6.528e-07
median_income 0.0002901590 0.000e+00
n_museums -2.3996940174 0.000e+00
median_income:n_museums 0.0000986444 0.000e+00

E(bachelors) = β0 + β1(median_income) + β2(n_museums) + β3(median_income*n_museums)

The significant interaction term in the model implies that the effect of n_museums on bachelors is not constant across all levels of median_income. In other words, the relationship between the number of museums (n_museums) and the likelihood of having a bachelor’s degree (bachelors) is influenced by the level of median_income.

Comparison of income including models with and without interaction term:

cv2_df = 
  crossv_mc(museum_edu_df, 100) 

cv2_df |> 
    mod_1  = map(train, \(df) lm(formula = bachelors ~ median_income + n_museums + median_income*n_museums, data = museum_edu_df)),
    mod_2  = map(train, \(df) lm(formula = bachelors ~ median_income + n_museums, data = museum_edu_df))) |> 
    rmse_1 = map2_dbl(mod_1, test, \(mod, df) rmse(model = mod, data = df)),
    rmse_2 = map2_dbl(mod_2, test, \(mod, df) rmse(model = mod, data = df))) |>
  select(starts_with("rmse")) |>
    everything(), names_to="model", values_to="rmse", names_prefix="rmse_") |>
  ggplot(aes(x=model, y=rmse)) + geom_violin()

The model with an interaction term between bachelors and median income has a slightly lower RMSE value than the model without an interaction term. Ultimately, the model with interaction terms appears to be the best model.